Meanwhile Auntie Esi has it all but …

Mary has had three set of twins and added a Tawiah to them thus seven kids. She’s only 28 years ,unemployed with
a non existing husband who does not even know their whereabout.

How does a man do such a thing and behaves like “ a male dog” who does not remember the sleeping place of his
offspring. Who must be responsible for his “enjoyment “? However, Can society look on and not be bothered?? Certainly not.

We visited to find the kids and she the mother so so malnourished siting close by as she was breastfeeding the five months old baby. Question I asked was what could be coming from it?

I asked how she could continually have kids knowing she did not have the means to cater for them. Her response was “I didn’t want to have kids with different men”. I enquired if she has undertaken family planning of which she nodded. She and the kids somewhere in the BA region couldn’t cope with the abuse and therefore run away.

A Good Samaritan got them this uncompleted building with no windows, no light just the bare floor as u can see with rags to sleep on.

We are looking for accommodation with every sense of the word. On the evening of our visit, some of the kids were naked because their dresses had been washed.

We provided diapers, baby foods, clothing mattresses beds etc. but can assure u that they are not enough. You can look through your stuff and drop a few of your kids wardrobe and send us some.

According to her, she’s learnt how to “fly bofrot “ but my fear of these kids around fire makes me want to ask her do something else.
We are doing our bit with your support. But like we always say, help someone when you can… little acts of kindness.

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